Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vocabulary Words

Note: There will be no more vocabulary quizzes the rest of this week. All of you have done real well!

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Dear students,

I will not be able to have Accent Reduction Class on Monday. I apologize. However, we will have class on Tuesday.

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Vocabulary Words for Monday (Bedroom)

1) Doorknob
2) Bed
3) Dresser
4) Walk in Closet
5) Nightstand
6) Ceiling Fan
7) Hanger
8) Vanity
9) Headboard
10) Box spring
11) Mattress
12) Pillow
13) Quilt

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Thursday (Colors)

1) White
2) Magenta
3) Purple
4) Violet
5) Brown
6) Red
7) Blue
8) Green
9) Yellow
10) Aqua Marine
11) Bronze
12) Silver
13) Gold

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Wednesday (Bodily Parts)

1) Heart
2) Brain
3) Lungs
4) Liver
5) Kidneys
6) Spleen
7) Pancreas
8) Uterus
9) Gall Bladder
10) Tonsils
11) Intestines
12) Stomach
13) Eyes

Monday, December 9, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Tuesday (Medical)

1) Ambulance
2) Emergency Room
3) Intensive Care Unit
4) Critical Care Unit
5) Antiseptic
6) Antibiotic
7) First Aid
8) Sutures (Stitches)
9) Bandage
10) X rays
11) Injections
12) Medicine
13) Healed

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Vocabulary Words for FRIDAY (Emotions)

1) Forgive
2) Understanding
3) Thoughtful
4) Compassion
5) Devotion
6) Loyalty
7) Honesty
8) Fidelity
9) Dedication
10) Faith
11) Hope
12) Charity
13) Valiant

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Thursday (Fruits 2)

1) Grapes
2) Vineyard
3) Strawberries
4) Avocado
5) Cherries
6) Tangerine
7) Apples
8) Peaches
9) Pears
10) Plums
11) Apricots
12) Persimmons
13) Pomegranate

Monday, December 2, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Tuesday (Fruits 1)

1) Olive
2) Guava
3) Almond
4) Kiwi
5) Tangerine
6) Papaya
7) Mango
8) Rambutan
9) Jack Fruit
10) Cantaloupe
11) Durian
12) Lychee
13) Queen Fruit

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vocabulary Words for MONDAY (Grocery Store 1) DECEMBER 1

1) Kleenex
2) Toothbrush
3) Toothpaste
4) Comb
5) Shampoo
6) Q-Tips
7) Scrub pads
8) Detergent
9) Dish Soap
10) Razor
11) Vitamins
12) Honey
13) Cash Register

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Direct and Indirect Objects Practice Exercises
Practice Exercise
Formula for D.O.: Ask the question what or whom is being given, made, or done?

Identify the direct and any indirect objects in the following sentences. You may check your answers below.
1.           Denny brought Tony some apples, bananas, and strawberries from the store.
2.           Place the puppy into his cage and come to dinner.
3.           Jennifer sent an e-mail to her friend in Missouri.
4.           The kids played street hockey all afternoon.
5.           Thomas got an invitation to visit UCLA during Spring Break.
6.           Gary brought a paper to read while he waited for Ann to finish.
7.           Justin Timberlake sang his fans' favorite hits.
8.           The king gave his most loyal subjects a generous portion of land.
9.           The instructor offered her students a lollipop after class.
10.       He tied the nets to the goal posts and lined the fields for this season's games.
11.       The plumber sent Mom a bill for fixing the sink.
12.       Paul bought us tickets for Saturday's game.
13.       Grandma read Michael and Mark a story before bed.
14.       Orlando wrote a poem and submitted it to the contest.
15.       I have enough time to finish my homework.

1.           IO = Tony; DO = apples, bananas, strawberries
2.           DO = puppy
3.           DO = e-mail
4.           DO = street hockey
5.           DO = invitation
6.           DO = paper
7.           DO = hits
8.           IO = subjects; DO = portion
9.           IO = students; DO = lollipop
10.       DO = nets, fields
11.       IO = Mom; DO = bill
12.       IO = us; DO= tickets
13.       IO = Michael, Mark; DO = story
14.       DO = poem, it
15.       DO = time

Monday, November 18, 2013

No Vocabulary Quizes this week!

Howdy class,

That's right no more quizzes. In stead, just focus on our class material.
Keep up the great work!

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Friday (Parts of an Essay)

1) Header
2) Main idea
3) Thesis Statement
4) Title
5) Font
6) Style
7) Margin
8) Paragraph
9) Document
10) Organization
11) Hook
12) Story
13) Conclusion

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Thursday (Relatives) NOTE: Except for Advanced Listening Class

1) Great Grandfather
2) Great Grandmother
3) Uncle
4) Aunt
5) Cousin
6) Nephew
7) Niece
8) Mother-in-Law
9) Father-in-Law
10) Son-in-law
11) Daughter-in-Law
12) Siblings
13) In-laws

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Wednesday (Family History)

1) Family History
2) Genealogy
3) Ancestors
4) Descendants
5) Posterity
6) Relatives
7) Heritage
8) Heirloom
9) Tradition
10) Heir
11) Family Tree
12) Generations
13) Marriage

Monday, November 11, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Tuesday (Idioms)

1) Let's call it a day
2) A snow ball's chance in hell
3) On my radar
4) Cast-iron stomach
5) A hard nut to crack
6) Suck it up
7) Nose dive
8) Went south
9) Face value
10) Home free
11) Home run
12) Head over heels
13) Full throttle

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Monday (Idioms 2)

1) Hold your horses
2) It's a merry go round
3) Barking up the wrong tree
4) Frog in my throat
5) Cry wolf
6) Monkey business
7) Eager beaver
8) Living high on the hog
9) Smells like a rat
10) Talk till the cows come home
11) Eats like a bird
12) Eats like a horse
13)A pandora's box

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Friday (Idioms)

1) Driving me crazy
2) He has a screw loose
3) She's off her rocker
4) It's a cake walk.
5) She's got a lead foot.
6) He can't see straight.
7) Blind as a bat.
8) Dead as a doornail.
9) Walking on clouds
10) She's on cloud nine.
11) Every cloud has a silver lining.
12) Go the extra mile.
13) Knock on wood.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Thursday (Animals 4)

1) Birds
2) Eagle
3) Condor
4) Hawk
5) Falcon
6) Hummingbird
7) Sparrow
8) Magpie
9) Raven
10) Crow
11) Vulture
12) Swan
13) Flamingo

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vocabulary Words Wednesday (Animals 3)

1) Dolphin
2) Shark
3) Octopus
4) Jellyfish
5) Starfish
6) Swordfish
7) Stingray
8) Lobster
9) Sand dollar
10) Salmon
11) Squid
12) Sardines
13) Crab

Monday, November 4, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Tuesday (Animals 2)

1) Bear
2) Wolf
3) Owl
4) Moose
5) Buffalo
6) Deer
7) Antelope
8) Elk
9) Sheep
10) Lamb
11) Goat
12) Horse
13) Stallion

Friday, November 1, 2013

Vocabulary Words Monday (Animals pt 1)

1) Lion
2) Tiger
3) Cheetah
4) Whale
5) Rhinoceros
6) Platypus
7) Aardvark
8) Anteater
9) Chimpanzee
10) Gorilla
11) Leopard
12) Cougar
13) Elephant

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Vocabulary Words Friday (Vocation 3)

1) Dog catcher
2) Forest Ranger
3) Banker
4) Teller
5) Stockbroker
6) Highway Patrol Officer
7) Janitor
8) Gardener
9) Meteorologist
10) Geologist
11) Seismologist
12) Astronomer
13) Physicist

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocabulary Words Thursday (Vocations pt 2)

1) Interior designer
2) Brewmaster
3) Pilot
4) Astronaut
5) Fireman
6) Policeman
7) Reporter
8) Writer
9) Housewife
10) Teacher
11) Businessman
12) Doctor
13) Administrator

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Wednesday (Vocations 1)

1) Lawyer
2) Novelist
3) Journalist
4) Author
5) Chemist
6) Engineer
7) Scientist
8) Proof reader
9) Editor
10) Technician
11) Nurse
12) Computer programmer
13) Professor

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Assignment for Medo (Makeup work)

Howdy Medo,

Here's the assignment.
1) Listen to the lecture by Dr. Steven Covey it is 1.5 hours long.
2) Write a summary of 1-2 pages about what he is talking about.
3) You don't need to write EVERYTHING he says: Only summarize what his lecture is about.

Here is the link to the videoLecture by Dr. Covey

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vocabulary Words Wednesday (Government)

1) Public Servant
2) Honest
3) Corrupt
4) Integrity
5) Politician
6) Mayor
7) Governor
8) President
9) Prime Minister
10) Dictator
11) Law Enforcement
12) Justice System
13) Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Vocabulary Words Tuesday (Wedding)

1) Proposal
2) Engagement
3) Fiancee
4) Wedding Gown
5) Tuxedo
6) Groom
7) Bride
8) Marriage License
9) Wedding Reception
10) Rehearsal Dinner
11) Guest Book
12) Covenant
13) Honeymoon

Vocabulary Words Monday (Office)

NOTE: There will be no vocabulary quiz for my grammar, nor my writing classes fort he rest of this session. Only for the Advanced class.

Warm regards,
Mr. T

1) Office
2) Secretary
3) Copier
4) Safe
5) Vault
6) Paper Shredder
7) Desk Drawer
8) Calendar
9) Stapler
10) Scissors
11) Router
12) Ethernet Jack
13) Typewriter

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocabulary Words Friday (Backyard)

1) Backyard
2) Patio
3) Barbecue
4) Umbrella
5) Hose
6) Garden
7) Shed
8) Dog House
9) Screen Door
10) Fence
11) Gate
12) Fertilizer
13) Green House

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vocabulary Words Thursday (Living Room)

1) Desk
2) Book Shelf
3) Bean Bag Chair
4) Lazy Boy
5) Love Seat
6) Stereo Cabinet
7) CD Rack
8) Flat Screen
9) Cushions
10) Extension Cord
11) Outlet
12) Electrical Plug
13) Dinner tray

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vocabulary Words Wednesday (Bathroom 2)

1) Shampoo
2) Conditioner
3) Nail Clipper
4) Sponge
5) Loofah
6) Razor
7) Electric Shaver
8) Epilator
9) Soap Dispenser
10) Blow Dryer
11) Dental Floss
12) Tooth Brush
13) Tooth Paste

Monday, October 14, 2013

Advanced Listening Speaking Class Debate Material

Howdy class,

Here are some links that might help you prepare for tomorrow's debate:




Warm regards,

Mr. T

Vocabulary Words Tuesday (Bathroom)

1) Faucet
2) Tap
3) Sink
4) Shower
5) Shower Curtain
6) Towels
7) Wash Cloth
8) Plunger
9) Medicine Cabinet
10) Shower Head
11) Toilet Bowl
12) Drain
13) Blow dryer

Friday, October 11, 2013

Vocabulary Words Monday (Bedroom)

1) Doorknob
2) Bed
3) Dresser
4) Walk in Closet
5) Nightstand
6) Ceiling Fan
7) Hanger
8) Vanity
9) Headboard
10) Box spring
11) Mattress
12) Pillow
13) Quilt

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Articles for Class Debate

                             Pro-Life: 10 Arguments Against Abortion

1.            Since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life.

2.            No civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different.
3.            Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child.
4.            An abortion can result in medical complications later in life; the risk of ectopic pregnancies doubles, and the chance of a miscarriage and pelvic inflammatory disease also increases.
5.            In the instance of rape and incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished.
6.            Abortion should not be used as another form of contraception.
7.            For women who demand complete control of their body, control should include preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or, if that is not possible, through abstinence. Or in other words, if men and women want complete control over their bodies, then the answer is self-discipline and not murder.
8.            Many Americans who pay taxes are opposed to abortion, therefore it's morally wrong to use tax dollars to fund abortion.
9.            Those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterwards.
10.        Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress. Abortion also is a major cause of severe to extreme depression in women. This deep level of depression usually lasts for decades, if not the woman's entire lifetime.

                         Pro-Abortion (Choice): 10 Arguments For Abortion
1.            Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb.
2.            The concept of personhood is different from the concept of human life. Human life occurs at conception, but fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives and those not implanted are routinely thrown away. Is this murder, and if not, then how is abortion murder?
3.            Adoption is not an alternative to abortion, because it remains the woman's choice whether or not to give her child up for adoption. Statistics show that very few women who give birth choose to give up their babies - less than 3% of white unmarried women and less than 2% of black unmarried women.
4.            Abortion is a safe medical procedure. The vast majority of women - 88% - who have an abortion do so in their first trimester. Medical abortions have less than 0.5% risk of serious complications and do not affect a woman's health or future ability to become pregnant or give birth.
5.            In the case of rape or incest, forcing a woman made pregnant by this violent act would cause further psychological harm to the victim. Often a woman is too afraid to speak up or is unaware she is pregnant, thus the morning after pill is ineffective in these situations.
6.            Abortion is not used as a form of contraception. Pregnancy can occur even with responsible contraceptive use. Only 8% of women who have abortions do not use any form of birth control, and that is due more to individual carelessness than to the availability of abortion.
7.            The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what about forcing a woman to use contraception or undergo sterilization?
8.            Taxpayer dollars are used to enable poor women to access the same medical services as rich women, and abortion is one of these services. Funding abortion is no different from funding a war in the Mideast. For those who are opposed, the place to express outrage is in the voting booth.
9.            Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.
Like any other difficult situation, abortion creates stress. Yet the American Psychological Association found that stress was greatest prior to an abortion, and that there was no evidence of post-abortion syndrome.

Reason of Pro-Abortionists

For some it's an inconceivable act, but for others abortion seems to be the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy and an impossible-to-negotiate future. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a handful of studies over the years have indicated consistently similar answers from women who identify why they've chosen to have an abortion. The top three reasons these women cite for not being able to continue their pregnancies and give birth are:
  negative impact on the mother's life
  financial instability
  relationship problems /unwillingness to be a single mother
What is the rationale behind these reasons that would lead a woman to terminate a pregnancy? What are the challenges and situations women face that make giving birth and raising a newborn an impossible task? One by one, let's look at the top reasons why women choose abortion.

Negative Impact on the Mother's Life
Taken at face value, this reason may sound selfish. But a pregnancy that occurs in the wrong place at the wrong time can have a lifelong impact on a woman's ability to raise a family and earn a living.
Less than half of teens who become mothers before age 18 graduate from high school. College students who become pregnant and give birth are also much less likely to complete their education than their peers.
Employed single women who become pregnant face an interruption of their jobs and careers. This impacts their earning ability and may make them unable to raise a child on their own. For women who already have other children at home or are caring for aging relatives, the reduction in income resulting from pregnancy/birth may bring them below the poverty level and require them to seek public assistance.

Financial Instability
Whether she's a high school or college student, or a single woman earning just enough to live independently, many expectant mothers lack the resources to cover the staggeringly high costs associated with pregnancy, birth, and childrearing, especially if they do not have health insurance.
Saving for a baby is one thing, but an unplanned pregnancy places an enormous financial burden on a woman who cannot afford to care for an infant, let alone pay for the necessary OB/GYN visits that will ensure healthy fetal development. Lack of adequate medical care during pregnancy places the newborn at a higher risk for complications during birth and in early infancy.
According to breastfeeding counselor Angela White, the cost of an average hospital birth is approximately $8,000 and prenatal care provided by a physician can cost between $1,500 and $3,000. For the nearly 50 million Americans who do not have insurance, this would mean an out-of-pocket expense of $10,000.
That figure, coupled with the cost of raising a child from infancy through age 17 (estimated at over $200,000 per child), makes giving birth a terrifying proposition for someone who is still in school, or lacks a steady income, or simply does not have the financial resources to continue a pregnancy with adequate medical care and give birth to a healthy baby.

Relationship Problems and/or Unwillingness To Be a Single Mother
The majority of women with unplanned pregnancies do not live with their partners or have committed relationships. These women realize that in all likelihood they will be raising their child as a single mother. Many are unwilling to take this big step due to the reasons described above: interruption of education or career, insufficient financial resources, or inability to care for an infant due to caregiving needs of other children or family members.
Even in situations involving women cohabitating with their partners, the outlook for unmarried women as single mothers in discouraging; for women in their 20s living with their partners at the time of birth, one-third ended their relationships within two years.

Other Reasons
Although these are not the primary reasons women choose abortion, the following statements reflect concerns that play a role in influencing women to terminate their pregnancies:
  I don't want more children or I'm done with childrearing
  I'm not ready to become a mother or not ready for another child
  I don't want others to know about my pregnancy or that I'm having sex
  My husband/partner wants me to have an abortion
  There are problems with the health of fetus
  There are problems with my own health
  My parents want me to have an abortion
Combined with those reasons previously cited, these secondary concerns often convince women that abortion -- though a difficult and painful choice -- is the best decision for them at this time in their lives.