Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vocabulary List for Thursday (Essay Writing)

1) Essay
2) Thesis
3) Doctoral Thesis
4) Page
5) Paragraph
6) Chapter
7) Indent
8) Binding
9) Title
10) Main Idea
11) Topic Sentence
12) Introduction
12) Conclusion

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Link for Advanced Listening Class

Watch and listen to the video so as to be able to explain how the American debt system works and why we have a serious debt in America today.

Prepare a 3-4 minute explanation.

Understanding the Debt Problem in America

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Vocabulary Words for Wednesday (Travel)

1) Passport
2) Airline tickets
3) Credit cards
4) Kiosk
5) Baggage
6) Check-in
7) Gate agent
8) Security
9) Customs
10) On-line check-in
11) Boarding
12) Emergency
13) Crash landing

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No more Vocabulary Quizes this session!!

Class, you have done ggggreat on your quizes! So, there will be no more this session.
Well done!

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Monday, August 19, 2013

Vocabulary Words Tuesday (Tom Sawyer)

1) Feud
2) Skip
3) Scramble
4) Creak
5) Whitewash
6) Selfish
7) Punish
8) Pirates
9) Romp
10) Consequences
11) Hammering
12) Thunder
13) Ferryboat

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Accent Reduction Class (Training Video 1)

Howdy class,

Here's a little video we made. It teaches the difference between the pronunciation of two words in English that are spelled exactly the same but where one is a noun and the other is a verb.

Here is the link:

English is a curious language in that the same word can be both a noun and a verb the difference being (among other things) the if the stress is placed on the first syllable of the word (for nouns) or  the second of the word (verb).

1) The exercise is to list and learn to hear the difference.
2) Practice speaking the difference.
3) Then record yourself and listen to how you pronounce the words. (Do not think about how terrible you think your own voice sounds; most everybody doesn't like the sound of their own voice.)
4) Fine tune your pronunciation.
5) We will be working with this on Monday.

You guys are great! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vocabulary Words Monday (Bodily Organs)

1) Heart
2) Brain
3) Lungs
4) Liver
5) Kidneys
6) Spleen
7) Pancreas
8) Uterus
9) Gall Bladder
10) Tonsils
11) Intestines
12) Stomach
13) Eyes

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Vocabulary Words Friday (Dictionaries & Comprehension)

1) Dictionary
2) Encyclopedia
3) Thesaurus
4) Translation
5) Publication
6) Interpretation
7) Terminology
8) Phraseology
9) Comprehension
10) Understanding
11) Transliteration
12) Lexicon
13) Etymology

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Vocabulary Words Monday (Residences)

1) Shack
2) Bivouac
3) Tent
4) Teepee
5) Cabin
6) Cottage
7) Rambler
8) Ranch
9) Farm
10) Plantation
11) Mansion
12) Castle
13) Palace

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Vocabulary Words Friday (Jewels)

1) Precious Stones
2) Jewels
3) Gems
4) Ruby
5) Sapphire
6) Turquoise
7) Emerald
8) Diamond
9) Topaz
10) Quartz
11) Amethyst
12) Aquamarine
13) Pearl

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vocabulary Words Thursday (House Renovations)

1) Architect
2) Design
3) Building Permit
4) Roof
5) Ceiling
6) Bearing Wall
7) Square feet (Square meters)
8) Attic
9) Basement
10) Sheetrock
11) Framing
12) Plywood
13) Gable

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Vocabulary Words Wednesday (Judicial System)

1) Judicial System
2) Judge
3) Lawyer
4) Attorney
5) Advocate
6) Defendant
7) Plaintiff
8) Guilty
9) Acquit
10) Hearing
11) Trial
12) Docket
13) Freedom

Monday, August 5, 2013

Vocabulary Words Tuesday (Banking)

1) Financial Institution
2) Mortgage and Loan
3) Credit Union
4) Checking Account
5) Savings Account
6) Check Book
7) Credit Line
8) Credit Report
9) Real Estate
10) Borrower
11) Lender
12) Home Owner's Insurance
13) Down Payment

Friday, August 2, 2013

Vocabulary Words Monday (Automotive)

1) Engine
2) Transmission
3) Carburetor
4) Fuel Injection
5) Turbo Charged
6) Exhaust Gas Manifold
7) Clutch
8) Axel
9) Brakes
10) Master Cylinder
11) Radiator
12) Thermostat
13) Speedometer

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Vocabulary Words Friday (Baking)

1) Flour
2) Measuring Cups
3) Tablespoon
4) Teaspoon
5) Mix Master
6) Spatula
7) Rolling Pin
8) Casserole Dish
9) Muffin Tin
10) Bread Pan
11) Stoneware
12) Cookie sheet
13) Oven

PS: Don't worry guys, Monday will be cars, motors and carburetors....