Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vocabulary Words

Note: There will be no more vocabulary quizzes the rest of this week. All of you have done real well!

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Dear students,

I will not be able to have Accent Reduction Class on Monday. I apologize. However, we will have class on Tuesday.

Warm regards,
Mr. T

Vocabulary Words for Monday (Bedroom)

1) Doorknob
2) Bed
3) Dresser
4) Walk in Closet
5) Nightstand
6) Ceiling Fan
7) Hanger
8) Vanity
9) Headboard
10) Box spring
11) Mattress
12) Pillow
13) Quilt

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Thursday (Colors)

1) White
2) Magenta
3) Purple
4) Violet
5) Brown
6) Red
7) Blue
8) Green
9) Yellow
10) Aqua Marine
11) Bronze
12) Silver
13) Gold

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Wednesday (Bodily Parts)

1) Heart
2) Brain
3) Lungs
4) Liver
5) Kidneys
6) Spleen
7) Pancreas
8) Uterus
9) Gall Bladder
10) Tonsils
11) Intestines
12) Stomach
13) Eyes

Monday, December 9, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Tuesday (Medical)

1) Ambulance
2) Emergency Room
3) Intensive Care Unit
4) Critical Care Unit
5) Antiseptic
6) Antibiotic
7) First Aid
8) Sutures (Stitches)
9) Bandage
10) X rays
11) Injections
12) Medicine
13) Healed

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Vocabulary Words for FRIDAY (Emotions)

1) Forgive
2) Understanding
3) Thoughtful
4) Compassion
5) Devotion
6) Loyalty
7) Honesty
8) Fidelity
9) Dedication
10) Faith
11) Hope
12) Charity
13) Valiant

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Thursday (Fruits 2)

1) Grapes
2) Vineyard
3) Strawberries
4) Avocado
5) Cherries
6) Tangerine
7) Apples
8) Peaches
9) Pears
10) Plums
11) Apricots
12) Persimmons
13) Pomegranate

Monday, December 2, 2013

Vocabulary Words for Tuesday (Fruits 1)

1) Olive
2) Guava
3) Almond
4) Kiwi
5) Tangerine
6) Papaya
7) Mango
8) Rambutan
9) Jack Fruit
10) Cantaloupe
11) Durian
12) Lychee
13) Queen Fruit