Wednesday, April 24, 2013

24 April 

Vocabulary List

1) Sibling

2) Wonderful
3) Preach
4) Seek
5) Truth
6) Still
7) Voice
8) Clear
9) Opportunity
10) Frontiersman
11) Subdue
12) Victorious

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

23 April
Vocabulary List

1) Excite
2) Dwell
3) Holy
4) Rejoice
5) Reins
6) String
7) Notion
8) Wrap
9) Forest
10) Witness
11) Enlighten
12) Peculiar

Monday, April 22, 2013

Howdy Class!

Here's today vocabulary list:

1) Gracious
2) Unlimited
3) Restrictions
4) Situation
5) Character
6) Gregarious
7) Appointment
8) Mnemonic
9) Relevant
10) Merciful
11) Irrelevant
12) Merciful

Sunday, April 21, 2013

21 April 

Vocabulary List

Howdy class, first of all I want to apologize for not posting a vocabulary list Thursday afternoon. I was planning on posting it when I got home but we had no electricity, thus no internet. After that I went I my trip. I back now and so here are your Monday words. 

See you tomorrow!

Warm regards,
Mr. T

1) Reconcile

2) Commitment
3) Completion
4) Pardoned
5) Restoration
6) Mandate
7) Prosperous
8) Benevolent
9) Compassionate
10) Finesse
11) Forsake
12) Oblivion

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17 April 

Vocabulary List

1) Aide

2) Appease
3) Stipulate
4) Recourse
5) Rampart
6) Decorum
7) Colony
8) Gentry
9) Hierarchy
10) Projections
11) Semblance
12) Tout

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

16 April 2013

1) Venerable
2) Restrained
3) Besiege
4) Anonymous
5) Stratum
6) Conscientious
7) Forge
8) Admonish
9) Usurp
10) Sentinel
11) Precision
12) Accurate 

Agustin Instructor: Mr. T
16 April 2013

Descriptive Essay

The united state has many attractive cities, has one of the cities called as the city of sin.
A city in usa where the people spend lot of money, where there are many hotels with casinos, where people get married without thinking and without reason.
Where you can see many shows and where the fun is momentary.
This is one of the cities of united states where people spend more money without getting anything.
It is one of the cities most visited by tourists outside the country.

Davi Santana Araújo                                                                        Instructor; Mr. T
April 15, 2013

The number first
            I love practice of exercises and in my life it is possible to list many sports I practiced. My favorite sports are to run, pedal, skate board, long board, climb, surf, mixed martial arts, karate, swim, weight lifting, kayak and canoeing.           
I have thirty one years old and after ten years old, I began practice sports and after this date, I cannot stop. After thirty years, I stopped most part of the exercises and today, only one I practice every week.
I love too much this exercise and last year, I bought one professional equipment, in order to improve my performance. It is white with black and red, your size is large and your weight is ninety pounds or if you prefer, nine kilos. In the world, many people have and the price ranges fifty dollars until nineteen thousand dollars.
You can use this equipment in street, mountains, trial, land and sometimes, you can mix and use street with sky and land with sea. In the world, has many competition about this exercise but, always the prize is not as valuable. Furthermore have prize, more important is to finish competition with good conditions.
The France has famous competition about this equipment and every year, normally in July, the France provide one competition about this exercise. The route in this competition is around 1.864  miles or if you prefer, 3.000 kilometers.
Santos, Brazil is very famous because provide one competition very different. In this competition, you have descend downstairs, around five hundred steps and the win, is the person more fast in down steps with this equipment. 
Many people use this equipment to lose weight, to leave the body more beautiful, to go to work, go to cinema, go to school, go to party and the most of people, use only because love this equipment and the exercise provided for this equipment, this is my case.
When I am in Brazil, every week I grab my equipment and I go to the beach, to the park, to the trial and others. I love my equipment and I have too much jealous if I see another person with it. I love it and I invite all the people to practice this exercise with me. Which is the name of this equipment?

Monday, April 15, 2013

15 April

1) Ingrained

2) Mannered
3) Proclivity
4) Vapid
5) Miser
6) Squeamish
7) Reprobate
8) Effulence
9) Dilettante
10) Pusillanimous
11) Fanfare
12) Lode

Asal Alshammari
Mr. T

My Parents

It is very important in this life because they support you from your childhood to be a man. The first day you come to life, you will began your life with them and they will take care of you. If your are sad they will be there for you,  and if you are happy they will be happy for you. They won’t get into your life’s decisions unless you ask them to advise you; because they are wise and have more experience in life than you. A lot of people in this generation hate them or they might think they are trying to get in their private life, but the opposite is right. They are there to protect you and tell you (from their experience) what the right thing to do. I personally love to ask them about every detail in my life and involve them with me in every single thing. I will be taking care of my parents when they get old. Thank you my parents from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me. I’m really thankful to have you in my life.

YOU YOUNG KIM ( writing class )

You can see it anywhere.  People especially  who lives in Utah SLC  loves it.
Most people have it. But some people doesn`t have it.  People who have it have about it
anywhere.  People put it on anytime.  For example,  people put it on at ski and ride a snow board.
Also people sometimes put it on at playground, an amusement park.
Sometimes people forget it. Because It is smaller than book.
The shape of this is various such as rectangle, triangle, circle..etc. The color of  this  is also
various such as  blue, black, white, pink, red, yellow, green. .. etc..
But most people like black one. But children and women love colorful one.
 You can buy it outlet and department store. It can be either cheap or expensive.
I think that it is better to buy expensive one than cheap one. Because The expensive one is more
 Safe than cheap one. Just my thinking.  The brand of this is various. Some People have many of
it. Other people have only one.
Some people use it for fasion or style.  But most people use it for protect their eye.
It can be protect your eyes. What is it?

Friday, April 12, 2013

12 April 
1) Exalt
2) Concatenate
3) Euphemism
4) Exemplify
5) Exonerate
6) Willing
7) Purge
8) Vessel
9) Conglomerate
10) Incorporation
11) Primordial
12) Paradigm

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Internexus Global Education Network
Writing Pre-Intermediate  
Spring I 2013

Instructor: Grant Tracy
Class time: 10:10-11:30 am

Text: Effective Academic Writing 2
Novel: Weasel

*Daily journal writing: Journals part of final grade.

2 April
Intro. syllabus.
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

3 April
Text: Unit 1 Paragraph Structure.
Homework: Text, write 16 sentences. Journals. Vocabulary list.

4 April
Text: Unit 1Topic Sentences.
Homework: ex 2 and 3. Journal. Vocabulary list.

5 April
Text: Book Outlinning.
Homework: Ex 7 & 8. Journals. Vocabulary Quiz.

8 April
Text: Unity and Coherence.
Homework: Ex 3. Journal. Vocabulary list.

9 April
Text: Punctuation Review.
Homework: Ex 5, 6. Journal. Vocabulary list.

10 April
Text: Coherence within Paragraphs.
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

11 April
Text: Unit 2 Description Essay. 5 Effective Topic S. In class essay outline.
Homework: Description Essay. Journal. Vocabulary list.

12 April

Text: Unity and Coherence cont.
Homework: Rewrite essay. Journal. Vocabulary list.

15 April

Text: Rhetorical sentences.
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

16 April
Text: Prepositional Phrases.
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

17 April
Text: Adding details & Similies.
Homework: Journal. Voc list.

18 April

Text: Descriptive Essay 2
Homework: Essay 2. Journal. Voc list.

19 April
Text: Inclass essay review.
Homework: Rewrites. Journal. Voc list.

22 April

Text: Editing. Book Reports.
Homework: Journal. Voc list
23 April
Text: Book Reports. Describing feelings, Order of Adjectives.
Homework: Review.
24 April
In class review units 1 and 2.
Homework: Book report dues. Review.

25 April

Final exam!

26 April
        !World Fair!

Internexus Global Education Network
Speaking and Listening Advanced
Spring 1: 2013

Instructor: Grant Tracy
Class time: 11:40 am - 12:50 pm
Text: Quest 3, 2nd Edition

2 April            Introduction, syllabus, text pgs 32-34.  ‘Unit 1, Ch 2.’ Text Q & A.
Tuesday          Homework: Text pgs 34. Vocabulary list.  

3 April             Quiz. Text: Correct pg 34. Text pgs 35-36. ‘Listening exercises.’
Wednesday      Homework: Supplement 1. Vocabulary list.

4 April              Quiz. Text: Class corrections Supplement 1. Text 37-47.  ‘Group work.
Thursday          Homework: Text pg 38. Vocabulary list.

5 April             Quiz.Text: Music dictation Nickle Back, Elvis, Lecture dictation: Steven covey
Friday              Homework: Prepare 3 minutes talk on  ‘Your Vision’ . Vocabulary list.

8 April               Quiz. Text: 48-56 ‘Speaking exercises.’
Monday            Homework: Text pgs 47. Vocabulary list.

9 April               Quiz. Text: Class corrections pg 47. Text pgs 57-63. Oral Quiz.
Tuesday            Homework: Supplement 3. Vocabulary list.

11 April            Quiz. In class discussion: Poetry, listening and interpretion.
Wednesday        Homework: Select a poem to read tomorrow.                       

12 April            Quiz. Text: Give Eulogies.. Choose topics.
Friday                Homework: Vocabulary list.

15 April            Quiz. Text: Text pgs 141-148. ‘Rhyming Poems group work.’
Monday            Homework: Write short Poem.  Vocabulary list.

16 April            Quiz. Correct: Short Poem.  Activity: Spelling Bee. Text pgs 149-155.
Tuesday            Homework: Text pg 153. Vocabulary list.

17 April            Quiz. Group work: Preparing for debates.
Wednesday       Homework: Prepare a Eulogy speech for class. Vocabulary list.

18 April            Quiz. Organized into debate groups.
Thursday           Homework: Preparing for the debate. Vocabulary list.

19 April            Quiz. Dictation: Mark Twain, Listen to recording of ‘A Conneticut 
Friday               Yankee In King Author’s Court.’ See my Blog. Link to Mark Twain
                        Homework: Listen to and prepare oral report on story.

21 April            Quiz. Class presentation: Give oral reports on Mark Twain. 
Monday            Homework: Prepare a movie review for oral presentation.

22 April            Quiz. Class presentation: Making an airline reservation (Oral)
Tuesday            Homework: Vocabulary List.

23 April            Quiz. Debates all class.
Wednesday      Homework: Vocabulary list.

24 April            Review for final.

25 April            Final exam.

26 April            !World Fair!            

11 April Vocabulary List

1) Course
2) Coarse
3) Luxuriant
4) Coerce
5) Disconcert
6) Capitulate
7) Append
8) Appendices
9) Horde
10) Parable
11) Chastise
12) Veritable

Internexus Global Education Network
Grammar Pre-Intermediate  
Spring I 2013

Instructor: Grant Tracy
Class time: 9:00-10:00 am

Text: Grammar Dimensions 1, 4th Edition  Units 7, 8, 10
 Ingrid Wisniewska

*Daily journal writing: Journals part of final grade.

2 April
Intro. syllabus.
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

3 April
Text: pgs Unit 7. There is/are
Homework: Text, write 16 sentences. Journals. Vocabulary list.

4 April
Text: Unit 7.  There is/are
Homework: ex 2 and 3. Journal. Vocabulary list.

5 April
Text: Unit 7.
Homework: Ex 7 & 8. Journals. Vocabulary Quiz.

8 April
Text: Yes/No Questions/ There are.
Homework: Ex 6, 7. Journal. Vocabulary list.

9 April
Text: A/An versus The
Homework: Ex 8. Journal. Vocabulary list.

10 April
Text: Present Simple Tense Unit 8.
Homework: Ex 11. Journal. Vocabulary list.

11 April
Text: Affirmative Statements
Homework: pg 212. Compare two pictures. Journal. Vocabulary list.

12 April

Text: Third Person Singular
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

15 April

Text: Frequency & Time
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.
16 April
Text: Negative Statements
Homework: Journal. Vocabulary list.

17 April
Text: Like, Want, Need
Homework: Journal. Voc list.

18 April

Text: Unit 10 Imperatives and Prepositions of Direction
Homework: Journal. Voc list.

19 April
Text: Imperatives
Homework: Journal. Voc list.

22 April

Text: Prepositions of Direction
Homework: Journal. Voc list
23 April
Text: Prepositions of Direction
Homework: Review.
24 April
In class review units
Homework: Review.

25 April

Final exam!

26 April
        !World Fair!